Bienvenue au site officiel de
manie musicale !
Manie Musicale is an annual bracket-style competition for students and teachers of French. Similar to March Madness basketball in the United States, participants try to predict which of 16 francophone songs will be the most popular. Once the tournament starts, voters decide which song will advance to the next round until we have a champion. The best part? Students learn French while having fun with students from all over the world.
Use the navigation bar above or the buttons below to access help, voting, and resources.
Are you a teacher new to Manie? Please start with the, "How it all works page". Please also join our Facebook group for incredible collaboration and fantastic resources.
Vous êtes un•e artiste de la musique francophone? Cliquez ICI.
Un gros merci à Señor Ashby d'avoir été une source d'inspiration!
Note: Always search first, ask another teacher, or check with your tech folks before contacting the help desk. The "How it all works" page will have answers to most of your questions. Please do NOT email the help desk asking for results. We are busy volunteers usually also teaching a full course load. Merci!
announcements & UPDATES
REGISTRATIOn for manie 2025 is now open!
Registration is for teachers only. Your status as a teacher will be verified before you are added to our mailing list. Only one teacher per school should register; talk to your colleagues!
Deadline: le 1er mars, 2025
NEW THIS YEAR: Only students and teachers from registered schools will be able to vote.
Please talk with your colleagues and don't miss the deadline! Registration also gets you on our email list and on the map of participating schools. Registration is year to year!
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! merci pour votre soutien.
Are you an individual or business who wants to support Manie Musicale? Click HERE to make a general donation to our nonprofit, Manie Musicale Collaborative which will help cover our expenses and fund student prizes. Merci!
Stephanie Carbonneau, York Middle School, York, Maine, USA
Michelle Fournier, Falmouth Middle School, Falmouth, Maine, USA